The winning team... Universally Challenged!

On 21 May 2015 Futures for Kids supporters came together for the annual quiz night. As always the night proved to be a lot of fun as well as a very beneficial fundraiser. Around £6000 was raised for the charity so thank you to all involved and a special thanks must go to our sponsors for helping to make FFK events possible!




1st - Universally Challenged

2nd - CME

3rd - FIA Europe, Turquoise

4th - Software AG

5th - Eurex, SGX, Wild

6th - Marex Spectron

7th - Nasdaq NLX

8th - Kite Consulting



True/False Game



Silver - Kite Consulting, Marex Spectron, Nasdaq NLX, SGX, Turquoise

Table Sponsor - Eurex, FIA Europe, ICAP, Softare AG, WILD
